Roundtable: Multilingual Literature in Conflict Zones II
Welcome to the second online roundtable in the series Multilingual Literature in Conflict Zones organized by the Journal of Literary Multilingualism (Natasha Lvovich, Editor in Chief) and the international research group LangueFlow (Sabira Stahlberg).
The roundtable will be held on Tuesday 19 November 2024 at
- 10 AM EST (New York)
- 16:00 CET (Berlin, Budapest)
The roundtable will feature two discussants:
- Steven Kellman: The American Revolution: A Multilingual Combat Zone
- Sabira Stahlberg: “The World Is Bathing in Blood…” The multilingual poet Edith Södergran between the Russian Revolution and the Civil War in Finland
and a short reading by two multilingual poets:
- Anna Krushelnitskaya: “Hash” and “Why Didn’t You”
- Milica Mijatović: “Oj Golube, Moj Golube” and “And during the War, Especially during the War, we Laughed”
The discussants will briefly introduce their respective topics and engage the audience in an interdisciplinary discussion.
Please sign up before 17 November at zerocodeswitching // at // for the Zoom link.